Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Week 14

~~The Last Lecture~~

14 weeks gone in one blink..yeah,, the last week of lecture.. Pbey3102 Developing Resources For ESL Primary Classroom.. This class is such a fun and useful and it really teaches us to be the teacher that has good technology skills!

There's a wonder in Microsoft. The wonder that's called 'Publisher'. Well, actually we have to come up with different publications that can be used in the classroom. There are flyers, business cards, banners and calendars.

There are of course a few ideas that I can come up with when using the publications in the classroom. Calendars can be used to remind pupils of the due dates and exams (which is a bad thing for them). Banners can be made to tell the parents of special events. Business cards on the other hand, can be used to promote our workshop program (healthy living) in school in the future (yes!!).

But I feel that being required to do all the publications is a bit over. I mean, it's not that we want to use all the publications right. So, it would be necessary to do all the works which add(ed) up to our endless works.

That's all then.

As the time goes by, I hope that I can apply all the knowledge that I have learn from our beloved lecturer into my teaching afterwards.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

week 13

Assalamualaikum and hi to all!!! (^_^) I am back! In the recent Resources class, I've been exposed to video editing.

About Module 4, as I go through, I notice that this module is very helpful for me to know more on how to use the software like:

• Any Video Converter

• BS player

• Cyberlink PowerDVD

• FLV to AVI Converter

• Free Studio

• HJ-Split

• Image Grab

• Power Video Cutter

• Prism Video Converter

• Real Player

• Riva FLV Encoder

• SID Video Cutter & Splitter

• VCD Cutter

• Windows Media Player

• Online Downloader

We have been presented with a few videos; some were downloaded from the You Tube, some were meant for commercials and some were done by the previous cohort. What I can say, all of the videos were simply MARVELLOUS! Great songs, nice still pictures and recorded videos have been chosen hence allowing us, the audience to comprehend the message that each of the video intended to convey. Good work!

Message delivered! Mission accomplished!

Now, it is the time for me and the rest to hit big the screen with our videos. Hopefully we can produce a video that can leave a memorable impact to the audience. That's all for today. Till then, feel free to add comments!!! (^_^)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Week 12


This week Pn Foziah showed some examples of e-books to us.Why she is showing us some samples of e-books is to help us to get a clearer ideas on how to make an e-book as it can interesting and attractive as well can engage learning in a fun and meaningful way. She also gives us some tutorials on module 2 (photo editing).Then,checking the eBook that we have done.

For e-book, there must be:

1) A theme to the story.

2) Setting (time and place)

3) Plot that shows the conflict, climax and resolution

4) Characterization

5) Navigational tools to make sure the slides can work properly (can go to next slide and previous slide)

6) Pictures must be clear cut and colourful, no different shades or shadows.

7) Sound to accompany the e-book reading.

Today, we will be talking about E-book. What is an E-book? E = electronic, so it's a digital book where one does not flip the pages to read something, but scrolling up and down like a laptop. Somehow, it was not that hard to come up with an e-book. Everyone can do one by using PowerPoint. Of course, the E-book that we did lacked content and proper materials for young readers.

Somehow, I feel that an E-book can never replace the authenticity of reading a real book. Just imagine the rough texture of the pages, the smell that's like bringing back memories and the fondness of sitting down somewhere just to read. With an e-book, it brings to my mind the sense of rush, doing many things at once and no sense of peace that a real book brings.

The only country as far as I know where the people read E-book diligently would be Japan. Even when we're talking about Japan, it already brings to mind of busy-ness.

Still, I expect e-book to be the future of reading. Which brings to my mind another issue: Malaysians read about 3 books (or 3 pages) per year. I think Malaysians prefer PSP and Nintendo Ds rather than E-book. Nobody wants to be seen as nerdy reading e book in the LRT, right?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Week 11

This week was the continuation of the previous week task. Puan Foziah did ask us to put our name in the pictures edited. This was meant to avoid our picture to be exploited and manipulated by others. By having the name in the picture, it could be the acknowledgment of our job.

Puan Foziah did show us some pictures that had been edited by using adobe photoshop cs3 and amazingly, there's a lot of creative and alternative ways of editing the picture. There are lots of features that I need to learn in Adobe Photoshope CS3, so that I would be able to edit pictures well.

She reminded us to upload the edited picture in the photobucket where the account had been set up and we need to upload it before the deadline. I think I want to continue edit the picture. Till see you again next week.